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OON for March 7

Again we will investigate the possibilities of the 60 Meter band for regional HF coverage.  Starting after the DTN, we will be active on 5330.5 USB. For more information, or to coordinate testing, call the station at 302-858-5310.  The exercise… (READ MORE)


It’s been nine long years, yet it seems like only a short time ago we were supporting the “cut-over” to the new 911 Dispatch Center from the RACES Room, and only a year before that, in order to meet evolving… (READ MORE)

OON for February 21

The last Open Operating Night for February is tonight  2/21 at 1830. The exercise for the evening will again be HF. We will be investigating our coverage of the 60 Meter Band. Any and all stations are welcome to participate…. (READ MORE)