Registration and Membership


Registration is a core requirement of the AUXCOMM program.  Registration is simply that — a listing of the individual’s personal information and qualifications with the Emergency Operations Department of Sussex County.  It is not a membership in an organization. This data provides county emergency management with a listing of known available Auxiliary Communication Assets.

Registration is open to any individual possessing skills applicable in communication related tasks. This applies to licensed and non-licensed individuals. The two most important attributes are interest and commitment.

Registration provides for county coverage of the individual in mobilizations, exercises, and training activities of the Sussex County AUXCOMM program. AUXCOMM personnel are required to complete the basic Incident Command System (ICS) training.

A registered participant, possessing the minimum acceptable ICS training, can be deployed as needed, within the limits of their skill and training, in public service events and disaster communication incidents with appropriate supervision.  During an event or incident activation, all participants in the county directed communications support effort must be registered with Sussex County Emergency Management.

Registration Application (PDF)