It’s been nine long years, yet it seems like only a short time ago we were supporting the “cut-over” to the new 911 Dispatch Center from the RACES Room, and only a year before that, in order to meet evolving FEMA directives for center staffing, that Sussex County RACES was organized. In recognition of this milestone, for the regular March meeting of the Sussex County RACES Group Thursday, March 9th, at 7:30 PM in the Training Room of the Sussex County EOC, the program will be a variety of presentations centered around the anniversary theme. We would like “Old Timers” and our newer members to have a chance to share how we got to where we are today. Many have contributed to the effort. Watch for more information in the coming weeks.
Anyone interested in our mission of communication support to the county Emergency Operations Department is welcome.
There will also be a short discussion of coming events and activities.