The Sussex AUXCOMM Group is sponsoring a combined Mobile and Home Station exercise Saturday morning, May 22, from approximately 0830 and ending by 1300. Activities will be on HF and V/UHF with the accent on 2 Meter simplex, mobile to base station communication. Exercise goals include map reading and tactical net operation.
For the Mobile Operators, equipped with a minimum of a 2 Meter mobile installation (dual band with 70 cm is a plus), your part of the exercise starts at 0900 and should end around 1200 -1300. Your activity will involve going to an individually assigned location, making an observation, and reporting same to the Rally Point. Then you would await acknowledgement of your observation and further instructions to proceed to the Rally Point.
For the Home Station operators, you will be primarily 0830 to possibly 1300. Home stations will act as relay stations for the mobile stations, and communicate with the Rally Point on 40 Meters.
You get your choice , but you must sign up for what you want to do. So make your selection “Mobile” or Home” , and indicate your QTH location. Send it to [email protected], and do so by 1900 Wednesday, May 19th. Exercise materials will be prepared and distributed ahead of time to those who reply..