Despite the current situation and Pandemic issues, the Sussex County AUXCOMM Group is still viable, although we’ve gone from over 2500 volunteer service hours in 2019 to less than 100 in 2020. The Management Team had developed several protocols to deal with the EOC Lockdown, and now that limited access has returned, has developed some more. Our focus now is on winter storm activations, and with the continued disturbed weather pattern, there will probably be some.
What can you do during all this enforced inactivity? Study, practice and train. Several of our people are taking advantage of extra time to take on-line courses and others are trying new modes. Oh yes, and update your Christmas list for Santa!
January will bring a return to Mini-Exercises, open to all Hams. Watch for announcements in your email, and in the KCARC Newsletter, “Short Circuits”. It comes out the first of every month. If you’re not getting it, drop a note to Jerry, N3KRX ([email protected]), the editor, to get on the mailing list, it’s free. If you are not currently on the Sussex Auxcomm mailing list, drop a note [email protected], and ask to be added to the mailing list.