Thursday April 8th at 1930 EDST the regular Sussex County AUXCOMM Group monthly will be held VIA ZOOM. The program for the evening will be “What is AUXCOMM”. Sometimes called the “new and improved RACES” it shares several of the core requirements of the RACES program. Here’s an opportunity to learn about how Hams are supporting the Auxiliary Communication Service at the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). AUXCOMM is not a club, it is a FEMA developed program to utilize amateur radio operators, and other non-licensed individuals, that have acquired additional training in emergency operations to support the EOC in times of disasters and emergencies. The Group also supports the EOC’s Mobile Command Unit (MCU). AUXCOMM volunteers can be assigned to any communication related task that is within their level of training and experience. when activated AUXCOMM volunteers are treated as regular employees in relation to security, safety, and food concerns.
ZOOM invitations will be sent to all addresses on our current mailing list. If you are not on our mailing list and would like to attend, send an email to [email protected], requesting one.