Participation Requirements
It is well understood that the regular practice and continued training in the art and craft of radio communication is necessary to maintain proficiency. The Sussex County AUXCOMM Group is dedicated to the support of the Sussex County Department of Emergency Operations. This critical assignment must be executed efficiently under the disruptive conditions in response and recovery operations. There are many ways the individual volunteer can maintain a ready and responsive level of preparedness.
- Participation in planned public service events.
- Operation in AUXCOMM Activations.
- Participation in scheduled operations, exercises, etc.
- Attending regularly scheduled meetings.
- Taking on-line courses, such as those offered through FEMA’s Independent Study Institute and the Department of Homeland Security.
- Pursuing certification through ARRL on-line course offerings.
- Taking courses offered by DEMA.
- Take advantage of opportunities to operate in public service events away from your local area.
- Make the effort to upgrade your license.
- Advance your training level and increase your participation level.
The Sussex County AUXCOMM Group Management Team can establish minimum participation requirements for Sussex County AUXCOMM Group participation if they determine it is in the best interest of the group for the maintenance of preparedness and proficiency.