The operations performed by volunteer amateur radio operators and others as participants in the Sussex County AUXCOMM program are in support of the communication needs of the Sussex County Department of Emergency Operations, operating as an Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS) under the AUXCOMM program concept. The ACL, or his/her designee, is responsible for the operation of the AUXCOMM Program.

AUXCOMM personnel must meet designated training and acceptability standards. These individuals can be assigned to various tasks, within the level of their training and experience, at the direction of the ACL, the EOD or their designee. Licensed, and non-licensed individuals with specific skills, may participate in AUXCOMM related operations.

Training and participation requirements for the Sussex County AUXCOMM Group, beyond the minimum ICS requirements, are established by the ACL in cooperation with the Management Team and the County EOD. Local training, on-line courses from recognized agencies, and other approved resources, may be required.  Standards of Acceptability are determined by the county authorities.

Operations in support of an event or incident are instituted by an Activation Order.  The term is specific to the Incident Command System (ICS).  The order to Activate is given by the EOD, or other designated county authority, to respond to specific incidents and events. Mobilized AUXCOMM personnel now operate as agents of the county, and are extended certain benefits and protection as provided by DHS/FEMA directives and county authority. The order to Demobilize indicates the end of the authorized operation.

The Sussex County RACES Group as part of the Sussex County AUXCOMM Group will remain as a viable, legally constituted, RACES entity, for service as may be required, under USC Chapter 47 Part 97.407.