Frequently Asked Question
Who we are: A group of volunteers who provide auxiliary communications support to the Sussex County, Delaware Emergency Operations Center for large, outdoor scheduled events and local or regional disasters.
What we do: By utilizing amateur radio and associated technologies our volunteers act as a “force multiplier” for Emergency Services. For example, our volunteers set up positions along the local 26-mile marathon courses to observe and report runner progress and alert emergency services in the event of a medical or other emergency
Qualifications: A willingness to volunteer time and talents to the community at large, to work together in a team environment, and to learn and do new things
Licensing: An FCC Amateur Radio license of any class (Technician, General, Advanced, Extra) is required to operate communications equipment, but we need non-licensed volunteers, too!
Training: We meet monthly (2nd Thursday) to share information and training topics, and have periodic exercises and drills to test the performance of our equipment and personnel. We can help with training leading to an amateur radio license, arrange for FCC license testing, and provide opportunities to operate a variety of amateur radio equipment on most frequency bands and modes.
Cost: There are no dues or other continuing expenses. Each volunteer provides their own radio equipment (typically 2m/70cm handheld radio), transportation, and reflective vest.